The O'Malley Foundation

We promote beauty and truth within society through financial advocacy for the arts, educational opportunity, and various Catholic charities


Our Mission

The O'Malley Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded by Christopher and LeMarie O'Malley in 1998, that promotes beauty and truth within society through financial advocacy for the arts, educational opportunity, and various Catholic charities. In past years, the Foundation has granted an annual college scholarship to deserving graduating seniors from Mound-Westonka High School in Mound, MN. The Foundation also sponsors an annual national concerto competition in partnership with Midwest Young Artists Conservatory in Highwood, IL.

In addition, the Foundation has assisted with the restorations of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Rapid City, SD and St. John Cantius Parish in Chicago, IL. These are institutions that have significantly impacted the lives of the O'Malley family and we, collectively, hope to pass this legacy on to others.

financial advocacy

Financial advocacy for art ensures sustainable support and investment in creative expression

educational opportunity

Unlock your potential with every educational opportunity—where learning opens doors to a brighter future.

Catholic charities

Serving communities with compassion, dignity, and hope through faith-driven support and assistance.

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Activities of the Foundation